Jacques Kaufman, Luke Fuller, Agnès His, Benoît Pouplard
Drawing inspiration from raw nature, from its unaltered perfection, has not always been obvious. Under the weight of various dogmas and canons theorized to conform to them, its immensity, its savagery and its unprecedented violence have long escaped any adequate representation.
The times are over, the doctrinal debates closed without follow-up and the path has been freed up to take head-on the unspeakable rudiments of what surrounds us. And our four artists go straight there to bring back all the emotional weight that represents a real face-to-face with nature.
It is up to Agnès His to explore the botanical world, suspended between her impulses to spread and her imperative to last. It’s up to Luke Fuller and Jacques Kaufmann to dedicate themselves to a geological journey, while Benoît Pouplard leaves us amazed on a ceramic ice floe where everything is strong and cold.
Agnès His
Benoît Pouplard
Luke Fuller
Jacques Kaufmann