A unique center
A contemporary space
On the outskirts of the village of Le Fel and its terraced vineyards, the cultural oasis of Don du fel offers you two dazzling panoramas, one over the landscape of the Lot valley and the other over the best of contemporary ceramic production.
Installed, in a literally stunning way, on the heights of Fel 4.5 km from Montsalvy, the Poterie du Don is gaining altitude! The site is breathtaking, and the extraordinary avant-garde architecture is undoubtedly worth the fact that the Don du Fel has become a true cultural icon. But the innovation seen outside can also be felt inside, where the visitor is confronted with an astonishing selection of the very best in contemporary ceramics on a European scale!
Un pôle unique
Un espace contemporain
Aux abords du village du Fel et de son vignoble en terrasses, l’oasis culturel du Don du fel vous offre deux panoramas éblouissants, un sur le paysage de la vallée du Lot et l’autre sur le meilleur de la production céramique contemporaine.
Installée, de façon littéralement stupéfiante, sur les hauteurs du Fel à 4.5 km de Montsalvy, la Poterie du Don prend de l’altitude ! Le site est à vous couper le souffle, et l’extraordinaire architecture avant-gardiste vaut, sans doute, que le Don du Fel soit devenue une vraie icône culturelle. Mais l’innovation qu’on voit dehors, se sent aussi à l’intérieur où le visiteur est confronté à une étonnante sélection de tout ce qui se fait de mieux en matière de céramique contemporaine à l’échelle européenne !
Nigel Atkins – The origin

Nigel was a designer before founding the Poterie du Don with Suzy, where he takes care of the management, communication, development and all the technical aspects of the highly random process of salt glazed stoneware.
Jacques Lacombe – the architect

This ideal, the white sheet “I must be both black and white, have an enormous desire to find the expression of purity, the desire for nothing, the immaterial, beauty and absolute harmony, but also the constant doubt , necessary, useful, that of man, who is only a man at the same time builder and destroyer.
Seeking, hoping, exploring, believing that behind the white sheet lies the ideal! But all of a sudden the line soils the sheet, fixes the imagination in this necessary physical reality. The sketch took shape. And I regret the white sheet. So I hurry… Reality is built in the secret hope of being able to take up the blank sheet again. »
Jacques Lacombe
A unique place in a preserved natural spot
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