Artist Profile

Jongjin PARK

Jongjin Park

Artist Profile

Jongjin PARK


Jongjin Park lives and works in South Korea. His sculptures surprise us with the improbable nature of their construction, which clearly and radically expands the expressive potentialities of clay. All of a sudden, we are overwhelmed by this rare sensation of finding ourselves in the presence of novelty; faced with a work so technically original that it actually generates a previously unknown aesthetic. It is as if we were witnessing an unexpected birth. But where does Jongjin want to take us? Towards a hybrid and unfamiliar world where Euclidean rigidities are softened by gravitational pull and the effects of heat, where limits and contours are recomposed around those cascading shades with which the artist constructs his subtle poetry. He brings us into a stimulating and refreshing universe, analogous to that of Rimbaud where usual words build a new language.



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